Autechre Gear List Future Music, 2003
Akai Z8 sampler & ADAT card
AKG C1000 mic
Alesis QuadraVerb GT effects
Alesis Monitor 1 speakers
Alesis MMT8 sequencer (x2)
Analogue Systems RS8500 modular synth with various modules
Apple 7200 PowerPC
Apple 9650 PowerPC
Apple Airport LAN card (x2)
Apple G4 dual 800 computer
Apple G4 450 computer
Apple G4 500 Powerbook (x2)
Apple G4 800 Powerbook
Apple Powerbook 1400c computer with Newertech G3/PB 1400 upgrade card
Atari 1040STE computer
Behringer Autocom
Behringer Composer Pro
Behringer Ultrafex 2
Behringer Ultrapatch (x4)
Boss RDD-10 effects unit
Boss RSD-10 effects unit (x2)
Calabash gourd rattle
Casio FZ-1 sampler
Casio RZ-1 drum machine
Casio PT-7 workstation
Casio SK-1 sampler (x2)
Casio SK-5 sampler
Clavia Nord Lead rack synth
Clavia Nord Modular synth with eight-voice card (x2)
dbx DDP processor
Digidesign 882 I/O interface
Digidesign Disk I/O PCI
Digidesign DSP Farm PCI
DOD phaser pedal
Dynaudio BM15a speakers
Dynaudio M1 speakers
Emagic AMT8 MIDI interface
E-mu Esynth Ultra sampler
Ensoniq ASR-10R Sampler (x2)
Ensoniq DP2 effects unit
Ensoniq EPS16+ sampler
Griffin iMate adaptor
Grundig tape recorder
HHB CDR850 Plus CD recorder (link is to the CDR830 Plus)
IBM 4.5Gb SCSI drives (x2)
IBM ThinkPad computer
Iomega Zip 100MB drive (x2)
Iomega Zip 250MB drive
Kenton Pro 4 CV/MIDI interface
Korg Prophecy synth
Korg MS10 synth
Kurzweil K2500R synth
LA Audio 4x4 compressor (LA Audio C400?)
Lexicon MPX1 effects unit
Mackie 24:8 mixer with meter bridge
Mackie CR1604-VLZ mixer
Mbira with resonator
Micropolis AVLT 2Gb SCSI drive
MidiLink MIDI Data Extender
MOTU Fastlane USB MIDI interface
Miny portable tape recorder
MOTU micro express MIDI interface
MOTU MIDI Express XT USB interface
Nintendo Gameboy
Oberheim DMX drum machine
Opcode Studio 3 MIDI interface
Panasonic SV3800 DAT recorder
Peavey PC 1600X controller
Philip Rees 5S MIDI switcher
Philips oscilloscope
Phonic MRT60 mixer
PSE stereo spring reverb
Pro Tools III PCI interface
Realistic induction mic (I'm totally guessing on this one...)
RME Hammerfall
RME Hammerfall ADI-8 Pro audio interface
RME Hammerfall Digiface digital interface
Roland CR-8000 drum machine
Roland Juno 106 synth
Roland SH-2 synth
Roland MC-202 synth
Roland CR-78 drum machine
Roland PMA-5 sequencer
Roland TR-606 drum machine
Roland R-8 drum machine
Seagate Barracuda 4Gb SCSI drives (x3)
Seagate Barracuda 9Gb SCSI drive
Seck 18:8:2 mixer
Simmons SDE drum expander
Simmons SPM MIDI mixer
Sony CRX 1600L CDRW
Sony lapel mic (which one, we may never know....)
Sony MDS JE520 MiniDisc recorder
Sony HR-MP5 effects unit
Sony TCD-D7 Portable DAT recorder
Sony DTC690 DAT recorder
Symbolic Sound Capybara 320
Tascam US-244 four-track recorder
Tascam DA-20 MKII DAT recorder
Tascam DAP1 Portable DAT recorder
Tascam M2600 mixer
TC XII B/K phaser pedal
Wacom A5 & href="">A6 tablets
Yamaha 4260TX CDRW
Yamaha CBXD5 interfaces (x2)
Yamaha CX5 M computer (x2) (changed to M model, ok?)
Yamaha DX100 synths (x2)
Yamaha FS1R synth
Yamaha KX-W321 tape deck
Yamaha NS-10M speakers
Yamaha QY20 sequencer/synth
Yamaha RY30 drum machine
Yamaha SU10 sample
По категориям:
Digital FX
Alesis QuadraVerb GT effects
Boss RDD-10 effects unit
Boss RSD-10 effects unit (x2)
dbx DDP processor
Ensoniq DP2 effects unit
Lexicon MPX1 effects unit
Sony MP5 effects unit
Analog FX
Behringer Autocom
Behringer Composer Pro
Behringer Ultrafex 2
DOD phaser pedal
LA Audio 4x4 compressor
PSE stereo spring reverb
TC phaser pedal
Apple 7200 PowerPC
Apple 9650 PowerPC
Apple Airport LAN card (x2)
Apple G4 dual 800 computer
Apple G4 450 computer
Apple G4 500 Powerbook (x2)
Apple G4 800 Powerbook
Apple Powerbook 1400c computer with Newertech G3/PB 1400 upgrade card
Atari 1040STE computer
IBM ThinkPad computer
Yamaha CX5 computer (x2)
Analog Modular Synth
Analogue Systems RS8500 modular synth with various modules
Casio PT-7 workstation
Clavia Nord Lead rack synth
Clavia Nord Modular synth with eight-voice card (x2)
Korg Prophecy synth
Korg MS10 synth
Roland Juno 106 synth
Roland SH-2 synth
Roland MC-202 synth
Yamaha DX100 synths (x2)
Yamaha FS 1R synth
Akai Z8 sampler & ADAT card
Casio FZ-1 sampler
Casio SK-1 sampler (x2)
Casio SK-5 sampler
E-mu Esynth Ultra sampler
Ensoniq ASR 10R Sampler (x2)
Ensoniq EPS16+ sampler
Kurzweil K2500R synth
Yamaha SU10 sampler
Drum Machines
Casio RZ-1 drum machine
Oberheim DMX drum machine
Roland CR-8000 drum machine
Roland CR-78 drum machine
Roland TR-606 drum machine
Roland R-8 drum machine
Simmons SDE drum expander
Yamaha RY30 drum machine
MIDI Interfaces
Emagic AMT8 MIDI interface
Kenton Pro 4 CV/MIDI interface
MidiLink MIDI interface
Midiman Fastlane USB MIDI interface
MotU Micro Express MIDI interface
MotU MIDI Express XT/USB interface
Opcode Studio 3 MIDI interface
Philip Rees S5 MIDI switcher
Audio Interfaces
Digidesign 882 I/O interface
Digidesign Disk I/O PCI
Digidesign DSP Farm PCI
RME Hammerfall
RME Hammerfall ADI8 Pro audio interface
RME Hammerfall Digiface digital interface
Yamaha CBXD5 interfaces (x2)
HDDs and CDRWs
HHB CDR850+ CD recorder
IBM 4.5Gb SCSI drives (x2)
Iomega Zip-100 drive (x2)
Iomega Zip-250 drive
Micropolis AVLT 2Gb SCSI drive
Seagate Barracuda 4Gb SCSI drives (x3)
Seagate Barracuda 9Gb SCSI drive
Sony CRX 1600L CDRW
Yamaha 4260TX CDRW
Panasonic SV3800 DAT recorder
Sony TDC7 DAT recorder
Sony TDC690 DAT recorder
Tascam DA20 MkII DAT recorder
Tascam DAP1 DAT recorder
Sony MDSJE 520 MiniDisc recorder
Tape Recorders
Grundig tape recorder
Miny portable tape recorder
Tascam 244 four-track recorder
Yamaha KXW321 tape deck
Control Monitors
Alesis Monitor 1 speakers
Dynaudio BM 15a speakers
Dynaudio M1 speakers
Yamaha NS 10M speakers
Mackie 24:8 mixer with meter bridge
Mackie CR1604 VLZ mixer
Phonic MRT60 mixer
Seck 18:8:2 mixer
Simmons SPM MIDI mixer
Tascam M2600 mixer 24
AKG C1000 mic
Realistic induction mic
Sony lapel mic
Alesis MMT8 sequencer (x2)
Roland PMA-5 sequencer
Yamaha QY20 sequencer/synth
MIDI Controllers
Peavey PC 1600X controller
DSP Farm
Symbolic Sound Capybara 320
Behringer Ultrapatch (x4)
Calabash gourd rattle
Griffin iMate adaptor
Mbira with resonator
Nintendo Gameboy
Philips oscilloscope
PT3 PCI interface
Wacom A5 & A6 tablets
Sound on Sound, November 1997
Roland MC202
Roland TR606
Roland R8
Ensoniq ASR-10
Ensoniq EPS
Ensoniq DP2
Alesis Quadraverb
Kenton Pro4
Clavia Nord Lead
Korg Prophecy
Casio SK1
Casio SK5
Casio RZ1 sampling drum machine: "That's really old school. The sampling quality is crap but it sounds awesome."
Philips Oscilloscope: "We have a lot of problems with high frequencies, so we try and keep an eye on it. We also
occasionally write tracks that look good on the oscilloscope. Unfortunately it tends to be really basic rave stuff."
Yamaha DX11
Tascam 24 channel mixer: "Fat as f**k. We like the range and flexibility of the EQ a lot."
Korg MS20
Alesis Point 1 nearfield monitors: "We replaced our NS10s with these because we thought our music was suffering."